Jennings Pubs from 1800s - Please help to record our local pub history

When Cockermouth’s Jennings brewery closed the register of the pubs that Jennings had owned before it was deposited in the Archives I took these quick photos of the pages.  There are 118 pages that I photographed and I have made the titles of each page from a rough description of the register entry.  Some register entries are from 1889 and some refer to ground rents from the 1700s.  There is a wealth of information in so many ways, for example let your imagination run with The Odfellows Arms with a Hen Run …  enjoy yourself with history!  

Jennings was Cockermouth’s local brewery and we remember the aroma that wafted over the town when a new brew was being prepared.  Times move on and the popularity of its excellent product required a bigger operation.  The iconic buildings remain with an uncertain future.  There is irony in the brewery, no longer used, nestling under the crumbling walls of Cockermouth Castle.

Jennings owned many public houses and the new owner, xxx, kindly gave us permission to make the most of their register of properties before it is deposited in public archives.

There is a project waiting for someone – transcribe the written record and visit the locations and write and photograph the current situation of our wonderful Jennings heritage of pubs.

Please send your contributions to the editor of this site – see the About section.

These are a few of the 118 pages that I photographed from our local brewery Jennings property register.