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Cockermouth Info
Cockermouth Heritage
War Memorial List of Names
Waterloo Street
Waterloo Street Photos & Drawings 1989
Waterloo Street Officers Report
Waterloo Street Yards 1989
Waterloo Street Maps and plans
Waterloo Street Description and Condition of Properties
Waterloo Street Description of YARDS
Waterloo Street Conversion Schemes
Railways in Cumberland
Railway Routes in Cumberland
Railway Accidents Runaway Trains
Railway Tragedy at Brigham Bridge
Railway over the Solway Firth
Railway for Dovenby Hall
Railways and Religion
Villages 1937
Bridekirk 1937
Bridekirk Runes on Baptismal Font and Sentinal Slabs
Bridekirk Archaeological Survey
Dearham – Roman – Saxon and Norman
Distington – Where St Cuthbert Stood
Eaglesfield – John Dalton and the Atom
Jennings Pubs
Explosion at Broughton Moor
Watermills of Cockermouth
Cumberland Methodism 1854 – 1954
Wheelwright Crown Street Cockermouth
War Memorial List of Names
Waterloo Street
Waterloo Street Photos & Drawings 1989
Waterloo Street Officers Report
Waterloo Street Yards 1989
Waterloo Street Maps and plans
Waterloo Street Description and Condition of Properties
Waterloo Street Description of YARDS
Waterloo Street Conversion Schemes
Railways in Cumberland
Railway Routes in Cumberland
Railway Accidents Runaway Trains
Railway Tragedy at Brigham Bridge
Railway over the Solway Firth
Railway for Dovenby Hall
Railways and Religion
Villages 1937
Bridekirk 1937
Bridekirk Runes on Baptismal Font and Sentinal Slabs
Bridekirk Archaeological Survey
Dearham – Roman – Saxon and Norman
Distington – Where St Cuthbert Stood
Eaglesfield – John Dalton and the Atom
Jennings Pubs
Explosion at Broughton Moor
Watermills of Cockermouth
Cumberland Methodism 1854 – 1954
Wheelwright Crown Street Cockermouth
Mills of Cockermouth
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Main Street
Station Street
Station Street 7 Wm Milburn, Saddler & Harness Maker, General Sports Outfitter, Travelling Trunks etc 1922 Cookbook311 Copy
South Street Croft Works R Grave & Son Bedroom and Drawing Room Suites Wall Papers, pictures framed 1930 Borough guide339
Market Place 37 39 Hird & Gate Quality Groce and Provision Merchants1954 55 guide477
Main Street Cockton Bros K Shoes Step up Style 1947
Station Road R Grave & Son The coplete House Furnishers The Gift Shop Station Road Cockermouth 1947
Smails Bros & Hall Household Draperies, Napery, Bedding and Furnishing Goods, Gents Hosiers Hatters and Merchant Tailors c 1906
Rampant Bull Hotel Garage Austin Twenty open & closed cars for hire R J Frostick Motor Proprietor Tel 63 Cockermouth 1930 Toreador prog165
Maryport Carlisle Railway Maryport General Manager Line to Cockermouth, Lake District conveyance from Bullgill Station to Allonby Ship Hotel 1930 Borough guide329
Maryport & Carlisle Railway quickest and shortest route to Cockermouth 1911 Mates guide 754
Market Place Skeltons Stores Grocer and Provision Dealer a 1930 Borough guide328
Market Place Louisette M & A Brewsher Linoln Bennett hats favoured by theFair 1929 GipsyLove475